About the trust

The Peter Darrell Trust was formed in 1994 to preserve and promote the works of the late Peter Darrell CBE, Founder director of Scottish Ballet.

We are actively involved in the promotion of Peter’s work worldwide, encouraging and assisting international companies to re-stage his ballets. The Trustees are also committed to creating a “living archive”, which is focused on the compilation of interviews with people who worked with Peter.

In 1998 the Trust set up a Choreographic Award in Peter’s name, made possible by a generous grant from The Scottish Art Council National Lottery Fund. In setting up this award, the Trust was seeking an appropriate way to celebrate Peter’s achievements.

As many will know, Peter always took great delight from encouraging new choreographic talent, whether from within Scottish Ballet or outside the company and it was felt by the Trustees that this Award, which provides a rare opportunity and platform for emerging choreographers, was the most fitting tribute to a unique man and his work.

Peter’s immense contribution to dance has been further celebrated in a book, published by the Trust, entitled Man of Tomorrow, which is a photographic record of his work, covering 30 years from the 1950s through to 1987, the original material being drawn together from the extensive archives and research material now held by the Trust.


Sir Matthew Bourne OBE

Adam Cooper

Sally Collard-Gentle

Garry Trinder


Chairman: Rob Foxcroft

Julie Bonnet

Jim Fletcher

Rose Marie O’Donnell

Lorna Scott

Judy Spence


Financial: Renton Thomson CA

Legal: Irving David - Level Law

Geoffrey Baskerville

Kenn Burke

Preston Clare

Alan Crumlish

Professor Susan Jones MA, DPhil (Oxf)

Trevor Schuster-Davis

Roger Spence

Australasian Ambassador: William Long
